Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

My sister-in-law once told me September 1st is her new year!  She's right... this is the biggest page turner on the calendar, especially for parents. All summer fun is put behind us like letting the kids go to bed late, eating tons of ice cream and popsicles, playing on the street till after dark, summer camp, and more ice cream... 

Then we shop for all the essential back to school gear like new shoes (both boys HAD to have the famous Reebok Zigs, like every other kid in town so I went from store to store to find in their sizes!!!) and new unstained clothing.  Then we ship them off, back to school!  This year the boys asked me NOT to take them on their first day.  Ouch!  But I guess that's how we've been trying to raise them... teaching them to be independent and embrace new challenges and change.  As sad as I was to see them ride their bikes awkwardly with all their new supplies and gear in bags hanging off their handle bars (and the neighbors once again rolling their eyes at us... that's an entire other post!), I was also so proud of them.  They are growing up so way too fast, but I think we're doing something right!

My baby girl also started daycare on the first!  It was easy and seamless without issues or tears (and I know that may change as she gets older!), but I still had a knot in my chest... she looked so small, but she was happy!  Our New Year has been great so far!

Today I ventured out into my garden jungle and found these beautiful apples.  This is my 9th summer in this house, and my apple trees have NEVER borne such beautiful fruit!   Looks like apple pies are on the way...

1 comment:

  1. It really is true - that really is the "new year". The kids are growing up too fast. Glad to hear that she had a good start to daycare. Q doesn't start until the late spring and I already have knots in my chest.

    Did you bake pies yet with the apples? How did they come out?
